Monday, March 17, 2014

Hideous day

Today was something hideous and beautiful at the same time. I woke up for class this morning to find my body mind and spirit in chaos.  When I looked outside the sky was full of gloom and I could not get out of bed.  I just watched the seconds turn to minutes on my phone.  All the time to get my things together, slipping away.  Before class there is about 45 minutes to one hour needed to put the body in a place so it's ready to move.  During this time I stretch and roll around in various ways so the body is ready to gain strength rather than maintain it.  Today that was impossible.  Even my walk to the train seemed to happen in slow motion.  To far to go, to little time.  I gave up on morning class for the day, finding a coffee shop to rest my worries.  As the day progressed students canceled on me and fearful thoughts filled my mind.  It was a hideous day.
Then through the troubles on an aimless walk I found my stride.  I guess I just forgot it on the pavement at some point the day before. A great evening followed, and a late night walk through a Brooklyn of my own.   I now lay my head to find dreams worth tomorrow's grief.
Good night world, may your dreams come true so that even on your most hideous days you can find a beautiful peace by day's end.

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