Thursday, January 19, 2012

A long time coming

Well we're in Vienna now!  It's been a whirl wind tour through Germany so far, filled with every emotion you can imagine.  Life on the road in Europe is a dream.  I love moving so swiftly through the old worlds that are now new.  I was walking through Vienna the other day and I realized that at some point in my walk I probably stood on the same ground as Mozart or Johann Sebastian Bach.  This place is filled with so many secrets, but they are coved with a layer of new that strips away human emotion.  Still the old place is around, just harder to see.  If you look close though it pours from the cracks in the stone buildings and streets.  Lately I've been fighting a little cold.  It makes me feel sluggish, and my body doesn't hold any sexiness.  That will pass though.  My movement is by default very big and bold.  I would like to make it more direct and snappy (that's a strange thought).  The work is going well.  I am looking forward to doing more shows....  Ooh, got to go, life is calling


  1. Glad you are having a good time! Once I wondered what the difference was between advanced dance students and pros, since they can do the same things so I watched videos of the two and compared. The pros actions looked more secure and deliberate.

  2. Yes, I suppose. That moment when your no longer a student and instead a professional is a part chance, and part mindset. We mover's and creative beings of art work so hard to refine our craft, but in doing so we lose our ability to be purely creative and unique. The training we achieve allows us to grow stronger and sharper ourselves as a mechanism, but it dulls us as individual creators, thus making the journey only half complete once mastering a refined quality of movement. The art of a professional is one that is walked on a very thin line, balancing the learned self with that of the true self. It is a scary place to be, because if your really doing it then you are naked to your audience, and you allow your form to alter as needed. This means that the world can see you as beautiful or as ugly as necessary for your expression to be expressed.
    Thanks for the comment.
    Paul M. Distefano

  3. One more thing, you never stop being a student, you only gain being a professional.

  4. Thanks for the responses. I think I have some idea of what you mean. Once I went to a program of student films and I was surprised to find the beginning students' films, though rough and inexpensive, were often more interesting and enjoyable than the advanced students' which were more polished and much more expensive. The beginers seemed to have felt free to experiment and have fun whereas the advanced students' films tended to be more conventional and self-conscious. I guess you need to try for the best of both.
