Monday, March 21, 2011

Flying fast

The past few days have been going by really fast.  Since my last post I have street performed all over the city, landed another film, trained with my new company, and worked out the loose ends to a new piece.
The piece is actually the most interesting part of the past few days for me.  Over the past few years I've been playing with the idea of doing a contact juggling piece.  For those of you that don't know what that is, look it up it's worth seeing and far too hard to explain.  To give you an idea though its like rhythmic gymnastics.  The difference is that with rhythmic gymnastics the ball bounces and is bigger, which is easier to manipulate.  Contact juggling is relatively new territory for the circus arts and very few go beyond the phase of upright juggling.  What makes it special is the that you are juggling one ball.  Now how you juggle one ball may seem easy, but in all actuality it can take years of practice to do it at any level worth watching.
That's not really what I want to talk about though.  What makes it interesting, what makes any work interesting is the lessons that you learn from the work.  In this case I have really learned the essence of focusing on one thing at a time.  That is something that I have a lot of trouble with, and funny enough it was really rough going at first, because the work behind the curtain in this case, demanded that I focus on one thing at a time.  At first I was trying to make a few pieces, one being the contact piece and another that I have since put aside for later.  In short what I've learned is that it's important to learn many things at once, but having the ability to focus in on one thing at a time is key.  Fill your days with many lessons, but if you are to succeed at any of them you must think only of the task at hand, otherwise you are never really breaking through the surface layer of the work.  That's been my life over the past few days, perhaps it was helpful.
See you next time.

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