At first it was an annoying means to supplement our already deplorable income, but not soon after getting in front of people again did I realize just how much I love magic and just how much I've been trying to fill that void since I stopped years ago. Now three months into my performing again I am a better magician than I have ever been before.
Something else unexpected happened along the way too, I found the passion to start reading. I never did like reading, on account of my dyslexia, but when suddenly I know that I can become what I once thought I would, means reading endless magic books, I buckled. I'm happy I did too. Reading is probably, historically the hardest thing I've had to learn but with the help of reading specs and some patience I have become quite good at it. This may sound depressing, or like a story from the 1930's but seriously my mind just didn't take well to reading. In fact I think I've only every finished a handful of books in my life, and I say handful just to not sound depressing.
I was always so athletic and visual, drawling and even writing were my strong suits, but reading was my arch enemy. Especially since school always demanded so much of it that I wasn't ever able to keep up in class. This simple truth made me into an unbelievable bull-shitter. I figured out by high school how to tell the teacher exactly what they wanted to hear minus any actual information about the things we read. In magical terms this known as cold reading.
At this point in the summer both myself and my beautiful wife have rejuvenated ourselves and are planning on hitting the road back to Los Angeles for as early as November! My personal goal is to have a close up show ready for performing and a series of manipulation acts too boot. As I build this new act I am finding that I need to refine the work, by gaining theme's, strong plots, and eliminating the Chaos so to often seen in my contemporaries. This process is like shooting for Mozart when your used to playing chopsticks!